Deborah Barnes 


Deborah Barnes is a life-long native of Michigan. Her current title: Bail Program Specialist, is another step in making changes to improve things in the community. She studied Accounting at Wayne County Community College. Raised 5 children and spent most of her life running and managing in the restaurant business. Successfully guiding family and a career is a huge accomplishment. She is thankful to have found Michigan Liberation in 2019, and embraced the beliefs that the organization had. The belief that organizing can facilitate a true change for our people. She believes to her core, that those closest to the problems are closest to the solutions but furthest from the resources needed. Deborah embraces the path before her, following the example of returning citizens, leading to the change we and our ancestors have longed for. Her most memorable moment at Michigan Liberation was running a successful phone campaign, flipping the Michigan Supreme Court in 2022. Her crucial life lesson is to learn from yesterday, Live for today. Strive for tomorrow. 

She loves traveling with her husband and curling up with a good book. She also loves spending time with her children and grandchildren. Her optimism and strength drive her daily decision to just do the work and believe that systemic change is possible.